FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real

Alani Kuye
2 min readOct 13, 2021
Ethan Sykes

Inaction breeds doubt, Action breeds confidence and courage. It’s time to get busy!

When you ignore your inner voice and listen to others, you end up doing things you don’t agree with or believe in. This breeds resentment, frustration, and eventual disinterest. Everything we do in life is a choice. When we look back, we see many decisions we could have made differently, and different choices we should have made. Even back then, we had a choice, but we choose the least path of resistance.

With age comes clarity, and while choices in retrospect are subjective, grief for example deepens with age, and with age comes the inevitability of truth. Never sacrifice what you know to be the truth for short term harmony. Do not be a doormat.

As humans, we are prone to assigning divinity to that which we do not understand, just like we often assume wealthy people are somehow smarter. On the contrary, the most intellectually low altitude people I have met have also happen to be the most materially wealthy I’ve met. In many cases, success creates psychological bullies. An investor for example, or anyone with access to vast amounts of money will always pontificate with an expectation of deterrence. Just like bullies, when you push back hard, they crawl back into their holes (and I mean this in a very nice way). In other cases they may use fear…and all that fear is amounts to False Evidence Appearing Real…..until you push back.

Trust your guy, avoid aggression, stay tru to your instincts, never be afraid to say no because it’s easier to say no than saying yes and having to revert to No.





Alani Kuye

Technocrat, Pragmatist, Geek trying to un-geek myself! Founder/CEO